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Rigidity of Einstein four-manifolds with positive sectional curvature
发布时间:2018-09-07     点击次数:
报告题目: Rigidity of Einstein four-manifolds with positive sectional curvature
报 告 人: 吴鹏 教授 (上海数学中心)
报告时间: 2018年09月12日 10:00--11:00
报告地点: 理学院东北楼四楼报告厅(404)

 Einstein metrics are most natural Riemannian metrics on differentiable manifolds. In dimensions 2 and 3, they must have constant sectional curvature, while in dimension 4, they are much more complicated. For the complex setting, in 1990 Tian classified Kahler-Einstein four-manifolds with positive scalar curvature, and in 2012 LeBrun classified Hermitian, Einstein four-manifolds with positive scalar curvature. For the real setting, however less is known, even assuming a (strong) condition of positive sectional curvature. In this talk I will first talk about some background on Einstein manifolds, then I will talk about my recent attempts of attacking this problem via k-positive curvature operator, precisely, I proved that Einstein four-manifolds of three-positive curvature operator are isometric to either $S^4$ or $CP^2$.

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