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On the Statistics on Integer Partitions
发布时间:2018-09-05     点击次数:
报告题目: On the Statistics on Integer Partitions
报 告 人: 臧经涛 博士 (哈尔滨工业大学数学研究院)
报告时间: 2018年09月07日 15:30--16:30
报告地点: 理学院东北楼四楼报告厅(404)

 Let $N(m,n)$ denote the number of partitions of $n$ with rank $m$. In 2014, Chan and Mao proved that $N(m,n)geq N(m+2,n)$ for all $mgeq 0$, and for $ngeq 10,$ $N(m,n)geq N(m,n-1)$. In this talk, we will generalize their results to crank and overpartitions. We also recall the definition of spt-function and spt-crank, and show that the spt-crank is unimodal and define it on marked partitions. This work is joint work with Kathy Ji, Huan Xiong and Helen Zhang.

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