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发布时间:2008-11-04  点击次数:

鉴于有许多同学咨询西班牙UPC大学的申请信息,该校于下月中下旬会有教授前来举行会谈,对想去该校继续求学的同学可以准备好资料,届时若时间许可,校方可以安排面试。 申请资料如下,

 Applicants must:

a.    Fill in the application form

b.    Provide and attach to this form the following documents in English:

c.    A photograph.

d.    A curriculum vitae.

e.    A motivation letter, in which the applicants explain their reasons for wishing to study at UPC.

f.    Certified copies of academic transcripts of the studies that they are undertaking atWuhanUniversity .

g.    Letters of recommendation from lecturers ofWuhanUniversity .

h.    English degrees held and/or English exams passed (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, etc). A certificate stating the students’ English language level must be provided.

i.    A draft study plan for work at UPC. This should include the subject area and subjects of interest (list more than one) for the possible final project (thesis) or research.

j.    Any Spanish degrees they hold and/or Spanish examinations they have passed.

1114日前将完整申请资料交  国际交流部  刘亚


详细信息请登陆网址 http://mastersdegrees.upc.edu

LIU Ya (Ms.)


Study Abroad

International Office

Wuhan University

Luojiashan, Wuchang,Wuhan

Hubei , P.R.China 430072

TEL: 86 27 6877 9092

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E-mail: intoffice@whu.edu.cn




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